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Electric Gremlin Pict

The Electric Gremlin

The Electric Gremlin , also known as the Lightning Gremlin, was one of the many gremlins that invaded the Clamp Center building. Originally just an ordinary gremlin, he drank an electrifying potion in the Clamp Center laboratory, an action which immediately transformed him into a bolt of sparking and animate gremlin-shaped electricity. While fast, lethal and extremely uncontrollable; it also happens he has no good sense of direction and randomly travels around.

After his transformation, he disappeared into a power socket and was not seen again until Billy Peltzer accidentally turned on a laboratory lamp from which the Electric Gremlin shot out into the room. He electricutes the head scientist Doctor Catheter and then he yet again disappeared into an electrical socket. Later, he reappeared in Daniel Clamp's office and there Billy, who was having a conversation with Clamp, managed to trap him inside the telephone system, effectively putting him on "hold". Towards the end of the story, when all the other gremlins, except for Mohawk who had already been killed by Gizmo and his leader role had been taken by the Brain Gremlin, were in the Center lobby, Billy remembered the Electric Gremlin which he had trapped inside the phone system and after getting some help to douse the gremlins in the lobby with water from a hose, he released the Electric Gremlin out over the wet gremlins, bouncing around among the gremlins and electrocuting them all to death. The Electric Gremlin soon lost control over himself and suddenly exploded which most likely killed him instantly, leaving only the electricity that was frying the other gremlins to death behind.

Electric Gremlin Stuck in Phone

The Electric Gremlin Stuck in a Phone
